I - sacos mari x mona351 -

II - 2tons x mona351 -

III - family x mona351 -
"We're a big family, with lots of women. We change our wallets all the time, each wallet for an occasion." The mum who carries the world on her back needs a big purse, but the daughter who's going on her first date only needs her lipstick and house keys. We expect the grandmother to take only the book and presents for the little ones... and the baby of the house to take the nappies and toys. What we have in common: nobody leaves home empty-handed.

IV - cascaishopping x mona351
In 2022, we opened our first store in Cascaishoping (Lisbon, Portugal). It was a turning point for our brand that allowed us to grow a lot and reach new customers. Although the store was only open for a few months, it was important to establish a close relationship with our customers and gain feedback on how people felt about the brand. It was epic!!!
~to cool to go without

V - cascaishopping x mona351 -

VI - advent calendar 2023 x mona351 -