"It all started when I moved to Madrid. I always had lots of ideas but never dared to put them into practice. Until one day, with the help of my sister, we created Mona. We started by selling our BAGS to our friends and through word of mouth we grew and grew. We want Mona to be a reference brand for all women in Portugal and around the world. We want to offer a diverse range of BAGS for all everyday occasions, at affordable prices and with the speed you're looking for. We want anyone who buys a Mona to feel cooler and happier."


"I've always wanted my own business and being able to do it with my sister is even better. We're best friends and we complement each other very well. She dreams up ideas and I'm more of a practical person. The perfect combination!We want people to get to know Mona as it is: simple, close, transparent and fun."